School Year 2022 – 2023

After School Parent Handbook

About the Club

The Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff has been in existence since 2012 and is recognized as a Club by the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. A Board of Directors hires a Chief Executive Director to oversee the daily operations of the Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff.

 The Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff is a human service agency providing a wide range of services to meet the needs of our members and the community we serve. Our goal is to provide quality programs in a positive environment, and to equip our members for success by providing proper supervision, guidance, and instruction in order to instill future citizens with good character and high self-esteem. 

One of the vessels for doing so is the personnel we employ; kind, caring individuals who constantly contribute and grow their expertise in creating and improving the programs we provide. Our staff, who work together in a cohesive fashion, are focused on our common goal and that is what makes The Club a unique entity. 

Prior to working with youth, all staff are required to: pass a criminal background check; pass a drug screening; and complete Child Safety, Abuse Risk Prevention, and Youth Development trainings.

Serving Flagstaff Since 2012

Program Location

301 S Paseo del Flag,
Flagstaff, AZ 86001


Children enrolled in the After School Program must be in grades K-12. Older children cannot be more than 18 years of age. Special needs children shall qualify if under 18 years of age.

Who is Eligible?

Children aged 6-18 who attend Kinsey Elementary School or who live in the Flagstaff area and can provide their own transportation to the Club.

What We Stand For

Program Philosophy and Overview

The After School Program is designed to provide safe, fun, and engaging out-of-school time programming to youth aged 6-18. The hours of the programs have been designed to meet the needs of working parents seeking reliable childcare.

The program is run by professional youth workers trained in youth development and child safety. A wide range of activities are implemented to foster a child’s physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. Children participating in the programs are exposed to a variety of activities that are age appropriate. A child’s maturity level and physical capabilities are used to determine certain program activities. Activities include: tutoring, games room, gym, arts & crafts, STEM, group games, and outdoor play.

Program Goals and Objectives
  1. To provide children aged 6-18 with the opportunity to participate in a wide range of educational, recreational, and social programs that foster physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development.
  2. To supply supportive services for children at risk.
  3. To encourage and provide activities which will allow for creativity and constructive use of leisure time.
  4. To maintain a healthy and safe environment for the children in our program.
  5. To allow parents to keep or find employment.
  6. To encourage and foster an awareness of the rights of others as well as understanding individual differences.
Children Served
The Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff will not discriminate in providing programming services for individuals based on race, creed, cultural heritage, political beliefs, handicap or marital status. The Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff does reserve the right to deny services for individuals who do not meet services and/or financial eligibility criteria for enrollment into any of The School-Age Programs.
Children with Disabilities

The Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff will accept applications for any child with a disability and will make every possible effort to accommodate and serve them. 

In determining whether to accept or serve a child with a disability, the Program Director may also request that the parent set up a meeting to discuss the disability. At this meeting based upon available information the Program Director shall, with the parent’s input, identify in writing the specific accommodations, if any, required to meet the needs of the child at the program, including, but not limited to:

  1. any change or modifications in the child’s participation in regular program activities;
  2. the size of the group to which the child may be assigned and the appropriate staff/child ratio; and
  3. any special equipment, materials, ramps or aids.

If accommodations requested by the parent would cause an undue burden to the program, The Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff must provide written notification to the parent within 30 days of the receipt of the authorized and requested information. The Program Director and President/CEO will supply the reasons for the decision in writing.  

In determining whether the accommodations requested are reasonable or would cause an undue burden to the program the Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff shall consider the following factors which include but are not limited to:

  1. the nature and cost of the accommodations needed to provide care for the child at the program;
  2. ability to secure funding or services from other sources;
  3. the overall financial resources of the program;
  4. the number of persons employed by the program; and
  5. the effect on expenses and resources, or the impact otherwise of such action upon the program.

Parents of children with disabilities who have already successfully participated in either the After School Program and/or Summer Camp Program will not be required to meet with the Program Director before re-enrolling.

Rights of Each Child
No child shall be subject to abuse or neglect, cruel, unusual, severe or corporal punishment including: any type of physical hitting inflicted in any manner upon the body. Children will not be subject to punishment that includes verbal abuse, ridicule, stigmatizing or humiliation. Under no circumstance shall a child be denied food, rest or bathroom facilities. Children also will not be subjected to punishment for soiling themselves, wetting themselves, or for not using the toilet. There will also be no punishment related to eating or not eating food.
Summer Camp Flagstaff Arizona Boys & Girls Club
Art Camp Boys & Girls Club

Operation Information

Hours of Operation

The hours of operation for the After School Program are 2:30p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday; and 12:20pm to 6:30pm Wednesday and Friday. The hours are extended on Wednesday and Friday to account for Flagstaff Unified School District early release days.

The After School Program is open during school breaks and closures, except for specific federal holidays and when Boys and Girls Club staff have in-service days. Parents will be notified regarding upcoming closures in advance as much as possible.

Registration Policy
Parents must enroll each child into the after school program separately. All paperwork must be completed at the time of registration. The $25 annual membership fee per child is due at the time of registration for any program at any Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff location.

Parents may request to set up a tour of the building or a parent conference with their locations’ Program Director prior to registration if they wish.

Parents are asked to provide the Club with the proper authorization forms concerning first aid and CPR consent, field trip permission slips, and use of photographs in promotional materials for the Club.

Parents are also expected to provide the Club with a list of any person who DOES and DOES NOT have the authorization to pick-up their child from our program. Children will only be released to the parents/guardians or Emergency Contacts. In the event that someone else will be picking a child up the parent/guardian must supply a written note to Administration. For the protection of all children in the program, parents/guardians and emergency contacts will be asked to show an ID when picking up a child.

Nutrition Program
Parents can provide a snack for those children attending the after school program if they wish. Parents are not required to send a snack for children enrolled in the after school program, as program fees cover snack and lunch daily (food provided by St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance). Parents are asked to inform Administration, upon registration, of any special dietary needs or food allergies that their children may need or experience.

Club Fees

There is a $25 annual membership fee per child for both the After School Program and Summer Camp. The cost of the After School Program is $7 a day per child. However, financial assistance is available for qualifying families. To qualify for financial assistance, you may request a tuition assistance application. For a tuition assistance application to be considered, all required supporting documents listed on the form must be included with the application upon turn in. If forgery, omittance, and/or falsification of requested documents is discovered, the tuition assistance application will be denied. Tuition assistance applications must be resubmitted annually.

The membership fee and daily attendance fee will be waived if your family resides in government assistance housing within any city a Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff is located.

Payment of Fees
Payments for the after school program are due on a weekly basis. Parents must choose if their weekly payment will be paid at the Front Desk or automatically withdrawn from a bank account of their choosing. Payments can be made in advance for the following week, on Friday prior to the week of programming. If a child is unable to attend the after-school program for any reason, but payment was made in advance, payment for that day or days will carry as a credit.

Parents will be responsible for any charges that may occur due to the return of checks by the bank.

Late Payments
Parents need to make every effort to pay their fees in a timely manner. If a child’s tuition is 2 weeks’ delinquent without a payment plan in place, the child may be terminated from the program and lose services for all Club Programs.

Parents will be responsible for any charges that may occur due to the return of checks by the bank.

Late Pick-Up Fee
It is important that parents make every effort to pick their child up from the programs on time. If you are going to be late, please call The Club and notify us of your estimated arrival time. A late fee of $5.00 for the first five minutes and $1.00 for every additional minute per child will be charged in the event a parent is late. If a parent/guardian is perpetually late picking up a child, their child could be suspended or terminated from Club Programs.

Club Policies

Pick-up Policy

In order to ensure the safety of all children enrolled in the After School Program, the following policies must be adhered to at all times.

  1. Parents/guardians must supply in writing at the time of registration a list of those parties authorized to pick up their child.
    In the event that someone not on the authorized list will be picking a child up, the parent/guardian must supply a written note to Administration. Anyone picking up a child will be required to show a picture ID at the time of pick-up.
  2. At the time of pick-up the following steps will be taken.
  3. Parents/guardians or authorized persons must come to the building to pick up a child.
    1. Parents/guardians or authorized persons must notify Administration as to who they will be picking up.
    2. Administration will ask the person who is picking up to show a picture ID if they do not already know who they are. Administration will then compare the ID to the child’s file.
    3. If the person picking up is not listed as an authorized pick-up person in the child’s file, Administration or Professional staff person in charge will contact the parent/guardian. The child will not be released unless the parent/guardian is contacted and gives verbal authorization for pick-up.
    4. If the person has been cleared as an authorized pick-up person, the child will be called to the front desk to checkout for the day with this individual ONLY.
Late Pick-up Policy
In the event a child is not picked-up by a parent/guardian at the designated time, the following procedures will be followed:

  1. Attempt to contact parents/guardians at home phone number
  2. Attempt to contact parents/guardians at work phone numbers
  3. Attempt to contact any of the people listed on the emergency contact list
  4. If in the event that The Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff has not been contacted by parents/guardian within 20 minutes of the designated pick-up time, a member of the Professional Staff will be responsible for contacting the Flagstaff Police Department and notifying the officer on duty of the situation.
  5. After staff has contacted the Flagstaff Police Department, they will contact the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS).

It is the policy of The Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff to make every attempt to contact a child’s parent/guardian or the adults listed on the emergency contact sheet before contacting the police or AZ DCS.

Check-in Policy
Parents can drop off their youth or walk their children up to the building for the After School Program. There will be a staff with a digital sign-in sheet located at the front desk where children will be checked in every afternoon. The Club will not be responsible for the children until they have been checked in at the desk.
Behavioral Management Policy

The focus of the Club’s programs is to provide each child a reasonable degree of conformity to assist him/her to develop self-control, self-direction, self-esteem and a conscious guide to his/her actions. In order to accomplish this, the Club will employ three basic principles:

  1. Rules: Standards of acceptable conduct and modifying undesirable behavior
  2. Consistency: Providing the children with the rules of the Club and particular program areas, and supplying staff that reinforce those rules fairly and regularly.
  3. Rewards: Reinforce desirable behaviors

The following policies will be adhered to at all times.

  1. Staff will use discussion, explanation and reasoning to help children understand what is acceptable and non-acceptable behavior.
  2. Staff will emphasize the educational rather than the punitive benefits of acting in the approved and appropriate manner.
  3. Any child acting in a disruptive manner will be talked to by the staff member and reminded of the rules and acceptable behavior. Disciplinary action such as time outs will be employed if necessary.
  4. Any child who persists in acting in a disruptive manner will be reported to the Program Director who will follow through by:
    1. Speaking to the particular child to determine the reasons for their actions and if actions can be corrected by the child.
    2. If disruptions persist the Program Director will notify parent to schedule an appointment to discuss and try to correct the disruptive behavior.
    3. The group leader supervising the particular child will note behavior problems. A report will be made describing the extent of the incident, the date and time, and any actions taken to correct the behavior.
    4. A copy of the incident report will be placed in the child’s individual folder, a copy will be given to his/her parent or guardian and the original will be placed in a binder located in the office.
Termination and Suspension Policy

The CEO and Program Directors are the only persons who have the authority to terminate or suspend a member from the program.. The circumstances under which a child may be terminated or suspended are:

  1. If a child becomes harmful to other children, themselves, or staff.
  2. If staff feels that the child may benefit from another program.
  3. If a parent refuses referral services.
  4. If a parent displays negative, abusive, or belligerent behavior towards a staff member, another parent, or another child or conducts themselves in a manner that is detrimental to the program or organization.
  5. If a child is continuously unable to follow the policies of the organization or is continuously disrespectful to the staff.
  6. If a parent/guardian is perpetually late picking up a child

In terminating or suspending a child from the program, the person designated will follow these steps:

  1. Notify the parent/guardian of the actions that will be taken prior to the termination/suspension.
  2. Provide parents/guardians with a written documentation of the reasons.
  3. Will provide information and referral for other services to parents/guardians upon request.
  4. If a child is suspended from the program the Program Director will meet with the parent/guardian before the child returns to the program if is necessary.
  5. If a child is to be terminated from the program, the Program Director, staff and parent/guardian will work together to help the child prepare and understand the situation.
Procedures for Identifying and Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect

All staff members are mandated reporters in accordance with the State of Arizona. This means that if a staff member has a reasonable suspicion of abuse of a child, he/she must legally file a report with the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS). The following procedures will be followed:

  1. A staff member who suspects abuse or neglect will notify the Director of Club Operations. The staff member will also document his/her observations including the child’s name, date, time, child’s injuries, child’s behavior and any other pertinent information.
  2. The Director of Club Operations will make a verbal report to AZ DCS, to be followed by a required written report within 48 hours.
  3. The Director of Club Operations may or may not choose to communicate with the parents any of the concerns of suspected abuse and neglect that is reported to DCS.
  4. Staff will comply fully with any legal investigations, as is required of them by law.
  5. Even if the allegations are found to be false, staff will not be retaliated against as long as the report was made in good faith.
Procedures for Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect in the After School Program
It is the Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff’s commitment to protect all children in their care from abuse and neglect. The following are procedures for reporting suspected child abuse/neglect while the child is in the program.

Any report of suspected abuse or neglect of a child will be immediately reported to the Department of Child Safety. A meeting will be held with the staff member in question to inform him/her of the filed report.

The staff member in question will be immediately suspended from the program without pay pending the outcome of the DCS investigations. If the allegations are proved false by DCS, the Director of Human Resources has the option of allowing the staff member to return to the program with or without back pay, based on the seriousness of the allegations and the facts available.

If the allegations of abuse and neglect are substantiated, the staff member will be terminated.

All staff will cooperate fully with all investigations.

Youth Arriving and Leaving the Club
The Club is not responsible for the time or manner in which youth arrive at or leave the Club, and youth may come and go at their own volition. If you do not want your child to leave the Club, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to communicate that to the child. If requested, the Club will contact the parent(s) if a child chooses to leave of their own volition. The Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff and its property are not responsible for personal injury or loss of property.
Please remember this is a recreational program. Children must dress for play. Pants or shorts and sneakers and socks are required to play in the gym. Since children will use the gym most days, please have them wear or bring sneakers and socks every day. Please be aware that children will often participate in art projects at The Club. Although most of the products The Club uses are washable and smocks will be provided, accidents can happen, and art is messy. For this reason, The Club asks that children wear clothes that can get messy.
Cell Phones, Electronic Devices and Toys
Children are not permitted to use cell phones and hand held electronic devices, radios, or iPods during programming hours. Any youth using these items will be asked to put it in their bag in a cubby. If use continues, the item(s) will be confiscated until the youth is picked up at the end of the day.

Toys, jewelry, video gaming devices, excessive money and/or trading cards should not be brought to Club. These items are easily misplaced or stolen, so please inform your children that these items should be left at home. The Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff is not responsible for any lost, stolen or broken items. Any items taken away from a child will be given to Administration and placed in the office. Parents will be able to pick up items at the end of the day. If items are not retrieved by parents in a timely manner, Directors will contact parents.

Lost & Found
Many children come in and out of the building every week. Knowing this, parents should be aware of lost items. Names should be written on all of their children’s belongings that are brought to The Club. Please ask a staff member at pick-up if you would like to check the Lost and Found Box. On the last Friday evening of every month, the items in the lost & found box will be donated to the local Goodwill or Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Transportation Plan for Field Trips
The after school program may occasionally go on field trips. In the event of a field trip, parents will be notified through a permission slip sent home with youth, and information regarding the trip will be shared during pick up or drop off time. In addition, fliers will be hung on our parent information board. Permission slips will be used to gain parental consent to participate in the field trip. Permission slips will have any necessary information on it regarding the particular field trip. Additional fees may be charged for field trips.
Child Guidance
  1. It is the policy of The Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff to provide guidance and discipline in a fair and consistent manner. Guidance and discipline is learning. Good discipline involves compassion, caring, sensitivity, respect for the child, and helping the child to understand that mistakes are a natural part of growing up.
  2. We believe that praise and encouragement are far more effective in promoting desirable behavior than a negative or punitive approach. It is our goal to provide our children with a supportive social and emotional environment where our children are given many opportunities for success through our varied activities. All our program staff shall direct discipline to the goal of maximizing the growth and development of our children and for protecting the group and individuals within it. To this end:
    1. Corporal punishment shall not be used.
    2. No child shall be subjected to cruel or severe punishment, humiliation or verbal abuse.
    3. No child shall be denied food as a form of punishment.
    4. No child shall be punished for soiling themselves, wetting themselves, or for not using the toilet.
  3. A step by step procedure should be taken in warning a child about inappropriate behavior and the consequences that will follow.
    1. Verbal warning. Do not yell across the room.
    2. Walk over to the child who is misbehaving.
    3. Tell the child what he is doing wrong and ask him to stop.
    4. If the child does not stop, give him/her a short time out.
    5. If behavior still does not improve, take the child to the Professional Staff person who is in charge.
  4. It is strictly against The Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff’s policy to resort to physical punishment of any sort when dealing with discipline matters. Striking a child shall be considered cause for discharge. Staff has a right to protect themselves if attacked and shall be expected to take action to the degree necessary to stop children who are fighting each other. Protecting oneself or stopping a fight should not require striking a child. In the event of a parental complaint or child complaint, the CEO will determine action on the individual circumstance of each incident.
  5. If a disciplinary action has to be taken in a certain area such as the gamesroom, gym, classroom, or outside, a child may not be able to participate in that particular program area for an extended period of time. Such action must be cleared through the immediate supervisor.
Care of an Injured Child

If a child is to become injured the following steps will be taken:

  1. First-aid will be administered by a staff member who is certified in CPR & First Aid. It is the policy of the Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff to require at least one person certified in First Aid to be present at all times during operating hours.
  2. An injury report must be filled out as soon as possible by all staff members present when the incident occurred.
  3. If the child requires immediate medical attention, a Professional Staff person must accompany the child to the hospital in the absence of a parent. The Professional Staff person will bring emergency cards with them. Administration will remain onsite and begin to contact parents immediately.
  4. Administration will inform the parents of any first-aid that was performed. A copy of the injury report will be given to the parent/guardian, a copy will be put in the child’s file, and a copy will be stored at the Front Desk.
The program will and does use volunteers in daily programs and special events. It is important to note that the Club does not consider the volunteers in their youth to staff ratio. All volunteers interacting with children undergo criminal background checks and are supervised by staff who are trained in Child Safety and Abuse Prevention.

Terms of Membership

Behavior Expectations

Note: Chronic minor violations may result in similar consequences.

Consistent with the General Behavior Expectations, the following specified behaviors are prohibited on Club property, including Club vehicles, on field trips or any other off-site activity. Each situation will receive individual attention and disciplinary decisions will be made dependent on the severity of the incident. Disciplinary actions are at the discretion of the Program Director and/or Director of Club Operations, and will be connected to the misconduct in a logical and timely manner.

Bullying/Harassment – includes any actions or words that make another member feel threatened, uncomfortable or unsafe. These actions or words become harassment when the victim has made it clear that the actions and/or words are offensive.
Theft/Stealing – includes the unauthorized taking or possession of the property of another without the consent of the owner.
Fighting/Horseplay – includes two or more persons engaged in any violent or physically hostile behavior directed toward each other. “Horseplay” includes roughhousing and other playful behavior or play-fighting that, though not intended to harm, presents a reasonable risk of harm or otherwise threatens the safety of students or others. Anyone who encourages or directs another to engage in any violent or physically hostile behavior, i.e. “egging on the fight” may be subject to the same disciplinary action as is the person who engages in the action.
Vehicle Misconduct

Vehicle Misconduct – includes failure to abide by the General Behavior Policy while being transported in a vehicle owned or operated by the Boys & Girls Club, or failure to observe any of the following specific rules while riding in a vehicle owned or operated by the Club.

  1. Follow the driver’s instruction.
  2. Remain seated with the seatbelt fastened.
  3. Keep all body parts inside the vehicle.
  4. Talk quietly using respectful language.
  5. Be courteous at all times.
  6. Do not throw anything inside the vehicle or from the vehicle.
  7. Do not eat or drink in vehicle.
Defiance – Includes refusing to obey a reasonable directive issued by any Club employee, including Club volunteers.
Disruptive, Obscene or Disrespectful Behavior
Disruptive, Obscene or Disrespectful Behavior – “disruptive behavior” includes any behavior that distracts from or interrupts the Club programs or activities. “Obscene behavior” includes the use of profanity, the use of vulgar or offensive gestures, or the depiction, display or distribution of materials that are offensive to the commonly accepted standards of decency. “Disrespectful behavior” includes any behavior that is discourteous, rude, insolent, deceptive, or otherwise fails to show appropriate regard for the personal dignity of another. Included in this category is indecent exposure, regardless of the ages of the child.
Vandalism – Includes damaging, destroying, defacing, significantly altering or mutilating objects, property, or materials belonging to Club members, Club employees, or materials that are property of the Club. Destruction of Club bathrooms or facilities, including intentional flooding of toilets is considered vandalism.
Computer Misuse
Includes any violation of the Acceptable Use Policy, as set forth in the Membership Packets.

Safety Policies for the Protection of Youth

At the Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff, safety of our members is our number one priority. We have adopted several policies to ensure that youth in our care are safe at all times.
Photo IDs Required at Pick–Up

Photo IDs required at pick–up – In order to ensure that youth are going home with ONLY the adults on their approved pick up list, anyone attempting to check out a youth from the Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff is required to show a photo ID to the staff member handling check out. The name on the ID MUST match a name listed on the approved pick up list. This ID is required to be shown every day, regardless of if a staff member is able to recognize you. If anyone needs to be added or removed from the approved pick-up list, it is the parent/guardians’ responsibility to notify Administration as soon as possible.

  • If you do not possess a photo ID, you may show one of the following items with a name matching one on the pick-up list:
    • A credit/debit card
    • An email from someone else on the approved pick up list, containing your full name as well as theirs, giving written authorization for pickup
    • A piece of mail
Prevention of Illness
Prevention of Illness – For the protection of our youth as well as our staff, we ask that if your youth is exhibiting signs of illness such as: fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath, persistent headache, loss of taste or smell, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, and/or muscle aches that they do not attend the Boys and Girls Club until their symptoms have subsided. If there is a positive case of highly infectious disease in the household, such as COVID-19 or flu, we also ask that they remain at home until the household member(s) have recovered. If youth come to the Boys and Girls Club with any of the symptoms listed above, Boys and Girls Club staff reserve the right to call emergency contacts and request that they be picked up as soon as possible.

Organizational Calendar

Support the Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff

Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff depends on generous individual gifts, fundraising events, and foundation support to help us reach thousands of youth each year. The money we raise allows us to keep our services affordable and sometimes even free!
