Become a Member
Join the fun! Becoming a Boys & Girls Clubs of Flagstaff member is easy. The Club provides a safe, positive environment and offers life-changing programs that build confidence and character.

Volunteering at a Boys & Girls Club is a great way to help teach young people valuable life lessons and learn something about yourself in return.

There is no better investment you can make than in a life of a child. Find out how you can make a difference in a child’s future.
Fun with Purpose
At the Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff, our programs are enriching and educational, but we wouldn’t be the Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff if our kids weren’t having fun! By making our programs entertaining and interactive, we can impart valuable life skills while still having a good time.
Academic Success
These programs and classes establish productive study habits and approach learning in a fun, effective manner. Some of these programs include:
Power Hour: Homework assistance every day
Money Matters: Teaching financial literacy to teens
Book Club: Novels, biographies, vampires, oh my!
Career Launch: Taking initial steps toward a bright future
After School Program
The Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff offers award-winning out-of-school-time programs that foster self-confidence and positive relationships with others. Our outcome-driven Formula for Impact produces incredible results: Fun with a Purpose, Academic Success, Be Great, Do Good, and Healthy Choices!
Be Great, Do Good
Be great, do good! Our Club members develop a positive self-identity and values that enable them to be responsible citizens. Under the enthusiastic guidance of our professional staff, our members are becoming the community leaders of the future.
Torch Club: Learning leadership through service for ages 11-13
Keystone Club: The ultimate leadership development program for teens
Youth of the Year: Honoring the hard work and achievements of our Clubs’ finest
Healthy Choices
Now it is more important than ever to make sure our children have the tools necessary to make their own healthy choices. These include programs like:
NetSmartz: Teaching children how to safely and efficiently use the Internet
SMART Moves: Learn how to navigate potentially troublesome social situations
Passport to Manhood: Engage young boys in discussions and activities that reinforce character, leadership and positive behavior.Community Back to School Health Fair
Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner

Our Clubs are open until 7:30 pm Monday through Friday to help parents succeed. Club kids get healthy snacks and a hot dinner included in their program fees.
Our Clubs are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our members, so each Club has a unique schedule of programs. Please contact our Program director if you have questions about specific programs or classes.
Our Impact
Youth Served
Locations Served
Meals Served Per Year
Annual Economic Impact
Our Partners