Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff
About UsSince 2012, Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff has provided kids with the following:

Safe place to learn and grow

Life-enhancing programs and character development experiences

Ongoing relationships with caring, adult professionals

Hope and Opportunity
Our History
Flagstaff’s Boys and Girls Club opened July 2012 when the city proposed budget cuts the past few years putting the rec center at risk of closing. With help from City Council member Coral Evans she suggested the city make deep cuts in the budget of the “crown jewel of the city’s recreation division, the Flagstaff Aquaplex.”
In July, the city handed over the keys to the Cogdill Recreation Center to the newly formed Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff.
Instead of closing a recreation facility inside of the city of Flagstaff and shutting it down because Flagstaff doesn’t have enough money, the City partnered with the Boys and Girls Clubs to actually increase services in a community that desperately needs them.
Elizabeth Anderson, the director of community enrichment services at the city of Flagstaff, said the partnership will be a boom for local children.
“We are very excited to have a Boys and Girls club in Flagstaff. Having previously been involved with the Club I have seen firsthand the positive impact it has on school-age youth in the communities they serve,” Anderson said.
Historically, the city had budgeted $208,424 a year to fund operations at the rec center.
The terms of the $1 a month lease will have the city give the nonprofit $235,000 over the first three years for start-up costs in exchange for the nonprofit to fully staff the facility, offer various programs in five core areas as well as take over the maintenance of the facility.
A second facility, the Flagstaff Recreation Center in the Sunnyside neighborhood, is also funded and run by the city. Its operations will not change.
The Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff started with 1 Club and 50 members. It now serves over 700 youth in 6 sites in Northern Arizona–(Coconino County & Navajo County). The Club operates one main Club location in Flagstaff at the Cogdill site and three Native American Dormitories in Holbrook, Winslow and Flagstaff.
Our Mission
To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.
Each year the Club provides after school and summer programs for school-aged youth. The Club emphasizes positive values in the relationships members have with each other and adult leaders. It helps young people make appropriate choices in their physical, educational, social, emotional, and vocational lives. Focusing on character and leadership, healthy lifestyles, education and career, and the arts in an effort to reach deeper into the lives of those we serve, impacting them in a lasting, comprehensive way.
Our goal is to provide a safe place for our youth, to arm them with the necessary tools to avoid unhealthy behaviors, and to build self-esteem to allow them to become confident individuals and impactful adults.
Our Impact
Youth Served
Locations Served
Meals Served Per Year
Annual Economic Impact
Frequently Asked Questions
Research shows that clubs across the country play a key role in reducing delinquency, increasing academic
achievement among youth and enhancing their access to technology and skills. Clubs increase career goals and improve the attitude of youth towards school. Every dollar invested into an area Boys & Girls Club returns $9.60 in current and future earnings and cost-savings to the community.
What are the Boys & Girls Clubs all about?
Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.
What age kids do you serve?
6-18 years
What does it cost to become a Club member?
Our annual membership fee is $20, a cost we keep low so that all children can have the chance to belong to a Club. Additional fees apply for participation in specific programs, such as afterschool program, Summer Brain Gain and organized athletics.
What if I can’t afford the fees?
Financial aid is available to prevent cost from being a barrier to participation. Financial aid applications are accepted:
School Year Programs: August 1st- April 31st
Summer Programs: May 1st– August 1st
When are the Clubs open?
Generally, the Clubs are open from after school until early evening. But hours vary, so contact your local Club for specific information.
Can my child bring a electronic device (tablet, cellphone, etc)?
Yes, but can only be out during designated technology specific programming or if properly communicate with Program Director.
Is transportation available from my child’s school to the Club?
Yes, for some. Contact your local Club for information about specific schools.
Do the Clubs have summer programs?
Yes! Our Clubs provide a variety of activities in the summer, including many day camps such as NASA Camp, sports camp and adventure camp. For a complete list, visit our summer camp page or contact your local Club.
What does “drop-in” mean?
It means that members are free to enter and leave the Club during the day. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to instruct children when they should leave the Club.
How are donations used?
Donations allow us to keep our services affordable. For example, while our membership fee is $20 per year, on average it costs us well over $500 per year to serve one child. We rely on donations to fill that funding gap and to keep our services affordable for the 1,000 kids we serve each year. For children and teens from families in need, we often give scholarships to cover the membership cost.
Can I learn more about your finances?
Of course! We are listed on Guidestar and Charity Navigator. You may obtain a copy of our audited financial statement at our office in Flagstaff.